List of DFCCIL, approved Consultant for providing Consultancy Service for Survey, Construction and Maintenance of Sidings/ PFT/ GCT (Period of empanelment - One Year from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025
Expression of Intrest(EOI) for DEVELOPMENT OF GATI SHAKTI CARGO TERMINAL (GCTs) ON NON-RAILWAY LAND (Schedule ‘1’ of GCT Policy) RAILWAY LAND (Schedule ‘2’ of GCT Policy) issued by Railway Board.
Invitation of application for Empanelment as Approved Consultant for Consultancy Services about survey, construction & maintenance of Rail Freight Terminals over DFCCIL.
Empamelment of Consultants for Providing Consultancy Services in DFCCIL (01.04.2023 to 2024) Updated
Notification for empanelment of Consultants for Survey, Construction and Maintenance of PFT/Private Siding.
Empanelment of Consultants for Providing Consultancy Services in DFCCIL (01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024)
Empanelment of Consultants for Providing Consultancy Services in DFCCIL (01.04.2022 to 31.03.2023)
MoU signed between DFCCIL and CRWC - 21.10.2019
Empanelment of Consultants for Providing Consultancy Services in DFCCIL
Rail Connectivity with DFC
MoU signed between DFCCIL and JNPT - 02.03.2021