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Advt. VacancyNo
Advt No 06/2025
Advertisement No. 06/2025 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees for re-employment in various Department of DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 05/2025 for the post of Consultant/S&T/CO on re-engagement basis in DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 04/2025 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees for re-employment in Stores and Mechanical Department of DFCCIL
Advt No. 03/2025
Corrigendum No. 02 against Advt No. 03/2025 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 06.02.2025 at CO/Noida
Corrigendum No. 01 against Advt No. 03/2025 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 06.02.2025 at CO/Noida
Advertisement No. 02/2025
Advertisement No. 02/2025 dated 15.01.2025 regarding calling of applications from the retired IRSSE (HAG and above) officers for the post of Advisor/S&T in DFCCIL on re-engagement basis.
Advertisement No. 01/2025
Advertisement No. 01/2025 dated 14.01.2025 regarding calling of applications from the retired IRSE HAG and above officers for the post of Advisor/Training/HHI, DFCCIL on re-engagement basis.
Advt No. 31/2024
Addendum 01 against Advt No. 31/2024 for inclusion of various department in the walk-in-interview already scheduled at Prayagraj Unit on 04.03.2025
Addendum 01 against Advt No. 31/2024 for inclusion of various department in the walk-in-interview already scheduled at Prayagraj Unit on 04.03.2025
Advertisement No. 31/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees of Electrical department for re-employment in DFCCIL
Corrigendum No. 01 against Advt No. 31/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 10.01.2025 at PRYJ Unit
Corrigendum No. 02 against Advt No. 31/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 04.02.2025 at PRYJ Unit
Advt No. 32/2024
Corrigendum No. 03 against Advt No. 32/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 13.02.2025 at Meerut Unit.
Corrigendum No. 02 against Advt No. 32/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 21.01.2025 at DDU Unit.
Advertisement No. 32/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees of Traffic department for re-employment in DFCCIL
Corrigendum No. 02 against Advt No. 32/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 17.01.2025 at Ajmer Unit
Corrigendum No. 01 against Advt No. 32/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 09.01.2025 at DDU Unit.
Advertisement No. 30/2024
Advertisement No. 30/2024 regarding calling of applications for the post of Consultant/HR on re-engagement basis
Advertisement No. 28/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees of various departments for re-employment in DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 29/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees (RDSO) of Civil department for re-employment in DFCCIL
Addendum -01 regarding modification in the eligibility criteria of Walk-in-interview already scheduled against Advt No. 29/2024
Advt No. 27/2024
Corrigendum No. 01 against Advt No. 27/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview of Safety Officer scheduled on 17.02.2025 at Tundla Unit.
Addendum 02 against Advt No. 27/2024 for inclusion of Civil and Mechanical department in the walk-in-interview scheduled at Tundla Unit on 17.02.2025
Corrigendum No. 01 against Advt No. 27/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 29.11.2024 at Tundla Unit.
Addendum 01 against Advt No. 27/2024 for inclusion of Safety department in the walk-in-interview already scheduled at Tundla Unit on 29.11.2024
Corrigendum No. 01 against Advt No. 27/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 22.11.2024 at Tundla Unit.
Advertisement No. 27/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees of Electrical department for re-employment in DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 26/2024 calling applications for the post of Consultant/Finance (TIA) on re-engagement basis at Corporate Office, DFCCIL
Advt No. 25/2024
Advertisement No. 25/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees of OP&BD department for re-employment in DFCCIL
Advt No. 24/2024
Advertisement No. 24/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees of various department for re-employment in DFCCIL
Advt No. 23/2024
Advertisement No. 23/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees for re-employment in various Department of DFCCIL
Advt No. 22/2024
Corrigendum No. 02 against Advt No. 22/2024 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled on 19.09.2024 at Vadodara Unit.
Addendum 02 against Advt No. 22/2024 for inclusion of Legal department in the walk-in-interview already scheduled at Vadodara Unit on 19.09.2024
Addendum 01 against Advt No. 22/2024 for inclusion of Safety department in the walk-in-interview already scheduled at Vadodara Unit on 19.09.2024
Corrigendum No. 01 against Advt No. 22/2024 regarding modification in date of Interview .
Advertisement No. 22/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Mechanical Department of Indian Railways for re-employment at field units of WDFC of DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 21/2024
Advertisement No. 21/2024 regarding seeking applications for the post of Consultant/HR in DFCCIL on re-engagement basis.
Advt No. 20/2024
Advertisement No. 20/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of OP&BD Department of Indian Railways for re-employment in Corporate Office of DFCCIL
Addendum 01 against Advt No. 20/2024 for inclusion of S&T department in the walk-in-interview already scheduled at Corporate Office on 20.08.2024.
Advt No. 19/2024
Addendum 01 against Advt No. 19/2024 for inclusion of Civil department in the walk-in-interview already scheduled at Noida Unit on 23.08.2024
Advertisement No. 19/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees having experience of working in ZRTI/Indian Railways for re-employment as Instructor/HHI/Noida in DFCCIL.
Advertisement No. 18/2024
Advertisement No. 18/2024 regarding inviting applications from retired Railway officials of legal background for the post of Consultant/Legal on re-engagement basis.
Addendum No. 02 against Advt No. 17/2024 regarding inclusion of Civil Department officials of IR for posting at Vadodara Unit.
Addendum No. 02 against Advt No. 17/2024 regarding inclusion of Civil Department officials of IR for posting at Vadodara Unit.
Addendum No. 01 against Advt No. 17/2024 regarding inclusion of Civil Department in Walk-in-interview scheduled at Corporate Office.
Advertisement No. 17/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Stores Department of Indian Railways for re-employment at various locations of DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 16/2024
Advertisement No. 16/2024 regarding filling up the post of Advisor/Land & SEMU on re-engagement basis
Advertisement No. 15/2024
Advertisement No. 15/2024 calling applications for the post of Consultant/HR on re-engagement basis
Advt No. 14/2024
Addendum No. 02 against Advt No. 14/2024 regarding modification in Eligibility criteria.
Addendum No. 01 against Advt No. 14/2024 regarding modification in Eligibility criteria and date of Interview.
Advertisement No. 14/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Mechanical Department of Indian Railways for re-employment at various locations of DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 13/2024
Advertisement No. 13/2024 calling applications for the post of Consultant/HR on re-engagement basis in DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 11/2024
Advertisement No. 11/2024 calling applications from retired IRSE officers (retired from HAG & above) for re-engagement as Advisor (Project & Contract) with HQ at Mumbai (South) unit of DFCCIL.
Advertisement No. 12/2024
Advertisement No. 12/2024 calling applications from retired IRSEE officers (retired from HAG & above) for re-engagement as Advisor (Electrical) with HQ at Corporate Office, DFCCIL.
Advertisement No. 10/2024
Advertisement No. 10/2024 regarding for the post of Consultant/HR in Corporate Office, DFCCIL on re-engagement basis
Advertisement No. 09/2024
Advertisement for re-engagement of Consultant/Electrical (WDFC) at Corporate Office, DFCCIL
Advt No. 08/2024
Addendum No. 02 regarding modifications in the eligibility criteria of walk-in-interview scheduled against advt no. 08_24
Corrigendum No.01 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview of retired employees at Ambala Unit
Addendum No. 01 regarding inclusion of safety posts in the walk in interview scheduled against Advt No. 08_24.
Advertisement No. 08/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Civil, S&T, & OP&BD Department of Indian Railways for re-employment at various locations of DFCCIL
Advt No. 07/2024
Addendum No. 02 regarding inclusion of other departments in the walk in interview already scheduled against Advt No. 07_24.
Corrigendum No.01 regarding postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled at ADI & AII Unit
Advertisement No. 07/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired shunters of Indian Railways for re-employment in OP&BD Department of DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 06/2024
Advertisement No. 06/2024 dated 01.04.2024 regarding calling of applications for the post of Consultant/HR in DFCCIL
विज्ञापन संख्या-5 /2024
डीएफसीसीआईएल के राजभाषा विभाग हेतु केंद्र / राज्य सरकार एवं केंद्रीय सार्वजनिक उद्यम के सेवानिवृत्त पात्र कर्मचारियों के लिए वॉक-इन-इंटरव्यू के संबंध में विज्ञापन संख्या 05/2024
Advt No. 04/2024
Advertisement No. 04/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Mechanical Department of Indian Railways/DFCCIL for re-employment in DFCCIL
Adv No. 03/2024
Corrigendum for inclusion of OP&BD department in Walk-in-interview scheduled to be held at Vadodara Unit on 06.02.2024 against Advt No. 03/2024
Advertisement No. 03/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of S&T, Department of Indian Railways for re-employment at Vadodara Unit of DFCCIL
Adv No. 02/2024
Addendum-05 for modification in the eligibility criteria of civil department for walk-in-interview scheduled against Advt No. 02/2024 at DDU Unit
Corrigendum-05 for re-scheduling the date of Walk-in-Interview at DDU Unit.
Addendum-03 for modification in the eligibility criteria of S&T & OP&BD department for walk-in-interview scheduled against Advt No. 02/2024 at Noida Unit.
Addendum-04 for modification in the eligibility criteria of Civil Department for Walk-in-interview scheduled against Advt No. 02/2024 at DDU Unit
Corrigendum -04 for postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled at DDU Unit on 12.03.2024.
Corrigendum-03 for re-scheduling of Walk-in-interview at Meerut & DDU Unit
Corrigendum-02 for postponement of Walk-in-interview scheduled at Meerut Unit on 15th &16th February 2024
Addendum-02 for modifications in the eligibility criteria of S&T Department for walk-in-interview scheduled against Advt No. 02/2024 at Mumbai(North) Unit
Addendum-01 for specifying the categories of retired officials of OP&BD Department who can attend walk-in-interview against Advt No. 02/2024
Corrigendum-01 for re-scheduling of Walk-in-interview at Prayagraj Unit
Advertisement No. 02/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Civil, Elect, S&T, & OP&BD Department of Indian Railways for re-employment at various locations of DFCCIL
Advt No. 02/2024
Advertisement No. 02/2024 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Civil, Elect, S&T, & OP&BD Department of Indian Railways for re-employment at various locations of DFCCIL
Advertisement No. 01/2024
Advertisement No. 01/2024 for re-engagement of Advisor/Renewable Energy for Solar System Works with HQ at DFCCIL/CO
Advertisement No. 35/2023
Advertisement No. 35/2023 regarding walk-in-interview of retired senior level Govt./PSU officer for re-engagement as Consultant (Project Development)
Adv No. 34/2023
Advertisement No. 34/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Mechanical Department of Indian Railways/DFCCIL for re-employment at in DFCCIL
Advt. No. 33/2023
Advertisement No. 33/2023 regarding calling application for Re-engagement of retired officer of the rank of HAG & above as Adviser/Safety & HHI in DFCCIL
Adv No. 32/2023
Advertisement No. 32/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Civil Department of Indian Railways for re-employment in DFCCIL
Adv No. 32/2023
Advertisement No. 32/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Civil Department of Indian Railways for re-employment in DFCCIL
Adv No. 31/2023
Advertisement No. 31/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Civil, Elect, S&T, & OP&BD Department of Indian Railways for re-employment in DFCCIL
Adv. No.30/2023
Corrigendum -9
Corrigendum -7
Revised Advertisement No. 30/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Civil, Elect, S&T, & OP&BD Department of Indian Railways for re-employment at various locations of DFCCIL
Adv. No.29/2023
Advertisement No. 29/2023 regarding calling application for Re-engagement of retired officer of the rank of HAG & above as Adviser/Infrastructural Safety in DFCCIL
Advt No. 28_2023
Application format
Advertisement No. 28/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired employees of Civil, Elect, S&T, Fin, & HR of Indian Railways for re-employment in DFCCIL
Advt No. 27/2023
Advertisement No. 27/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired railway/CPSE employees of Traffic/operating department for reemployment in OPBD department in DFCCIL/CO.
Application format
Advt No. 26/2023
Advertisement No. 26/2023 regarding calling application for Re-engagement of retired IRSSE officer of the rank of HAG & above as Adviser/S&T in DFCCIL.
Application form
Adv No. 25/2023
Adv. No. 25/2023 for re-engagement as Advisor(Finance) in DFCCIL.
Application Format
Advt No. 24/2023
Adv. No. 24/2023 seeking applications from retired officers of Central/State Govt./CPSEs for re-engagement as Advisor(Telecom Monetization Strategy) in DFCCIL.
Application form
Advt No. 23/2023
Adv No. 23/2023 regarding walk-in-interview of retired Railway employees of Civil, Elect and Mech deptt. at Noida location on 21.8.2023 for re-employment in Civil, Electt/Mech. deptt/DFCCIL
Application format
Corrigendum - Inclusion of OP&BD department
Advt No. 21/2023
Adv No. 21/2023 regarding re-engagement as Advisor/Consultant(Infrastructure safety) with HQ at PRYJ
Application format
Advt No. 20/2023
Adv. No. 20/2023 regarding walk in interview of retd. Rly/Central Govt/CPSEs employees for re-employment/Consultant in HR department for SPARROW work.
Application format
HR Circular No. 28/2022
Advt No. 19/2023
Adv. No. 19/2023 regarding walk-in-interview of retd. Loco Pilots/Shunters for re-employment in Mechanical Department in WDFC/DFCCIL on 04.08.2023 at Jaipur location.
Application format
Corrigendum -Inclusion for re-employment in Administration department
Adv. No.07/2023
Advt No. 17/2023 regarding walk-in-interview of retired railway employees of Indian Railways for need based re-employment in Finance Department of DFCCIL.
Corrigendum dt. 14.7.2023
Advt No. 18/2023
Advt No. 18/2023 regarding walk in interview for the post of Consultant Pharmacists
Adv. No. 15/2023 regarding Walk-in-Interview of retired employees of S&T Department of IR for Re-employment in DFCCIL to be conducted at Mumbai Location.
Application form
Adv No. 14/2023
Adv No. 14/2023 calling applications for reengagement as Advisor/Conciliation in DFCCIL
Advt No. 13/2023 for holding walk-in-interview of retired employees for re-employment in various department of DFCCIL.
Advt No. 12/2023
Adv No. 12/2023 regarding Walk in Interview of Retired Railway Employees for Re-Employment as Instructor/HHI Noida and in OP&BD Department on 02.06.2023
Application Form
Corrigendum on Advt No 12_2023
Advt No. 11/2023
Adv No. 11/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired Railway Pharmachist for re-engagement in DFCCIL/CO as Consultant
Application form.
Adv. No.10/2023
Corrigendum on Advt No. 10/2023 for inculsion of Walk-in-interview of Civil Department at Noida Unit.
Advt No. 10/2023 regarding walk-in-interview of retired railway employees of various department at Noida and Mumbai location for need based re-employment in DFCCIL
Adv No. 09/2023
Advt no. 09/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees of various department at Mumbai(S) location on 13.04.2023 for need based re-employment.
Adv No. 08/2023
Adv No-08_2023 regarding walk in interview of retd railway employees at Vadodara location for reemployment in Electt. and OP&BD deptt.
Application form
Policy No. 28/2022
Adv No. 07_2023
Adv. No.07/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees of Traffic/Operating deptt at Noida location on 13.4.2023 for need based re-employment in OP&BD/ DFCCIL
Application form
Circular No. 28/2022
Corrigendum on Adv No. 7/2023- regarding date of walk in interview.
Corrigendum on Advt No. 7/2023 for change in eligibility.
Advt No. 6/2023 regarding walk-in-interview of retired railway employees of General Administration for re-employment in DFCCIL
Corrigendum-I on Adv. no. 03/2023-Recheduled of walk in interview for re-employment in OP&BD deptt at Corporate office (instead of Ambala location) on 03.4.2023
Corrigendum on Advt No. 03/2023 for postonding Walkk-in-interview of Walk-in-interview of OP&BD Dept scheduled to be held at Ambala Unit
Advt No 03/23 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees for re-employment in OP&BD dept of DFCCIL.
Corrigendum on Advt No. 04/2023 dtaed 28.3.2023
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 04/2023 dted 24.3.2023
Advt No. 04/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees/DFCCIL for re-employment in Civil dept of DFCCIL
Adv. No.01/2023
Advt No. 01_2023 regading walk-in-interview of Electrical Department scheduled to be held at Ajmer Location
Advt No. 02/2023
Advt. No. 02/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired govt. employees in DFCCIL/CO on 21.2.2023
Corrigendum on Adv No. 02/2023 regarding walk in interview of retired employees in DFCCIL/CO on 21.2.2023
Adv No. 29/2022
Adv-29-2022 regarding walk in interview of retired Govt/PSU employees for re-employment/Consultant in various department of DFCCIL
HR circular No. 28/2022
Corrigendum on Advt No. 29_2022
Corrigendum on Advt No. 29/2022 regarding postponement of walk in interview for reemployment in IT department
Application form
Adv No. 27/2022
Advt No. 27/2022 regarding re-engagement of Advisor (Infrastructural Safety) for Eastern DFC
Application Format
Policy Circular 28/2022
Adv no. 26/2022 regarding walk in interviews of retired govt employees for re-employment in various department of DFCCIL
Application Format
HR Policy Circular No. 28/2022
Adv No. 25/2022
Adv no. 25/2022 regarding walk in interviews of retired govt employees at ADI location for reemployment in various deptt./DFCCIL
Application format
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 25/2022
HR Policy Circular No. 28/2022 dated 22.7.2022
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 25/2022
Adv No. 23/2022
Adv No. 23/2022 regarding holding of walk in interview of retd Rly employees at DDU location for re-employment in OPBD department/DFCCIL.
Application form
Adv No. 22/2022
Adv No. 22/2022 regarding walk in interview of retd Railway employees of Electrical Deptt at DFCCIL/CO for re-employment in Elect. department/DFCCIL
Application form
Circular No. 29/2019
Adv. No.20/2022
Corrigendum regarding Advertisement No. 20/(A)2022
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 20(A)/2022 regarding eligibility of retd railway employees who can attend the walk i interview at ADI location
Adv. No.20/2022
Advertisement No. 20/2022 regarding walk-in-interview of retired employees for need based re-employment/Consultant in OP&BD (Operating) department of DFCCIL
Application Form
HR Policy Circular No. 29/2019
Adv. No.19/2022
Adv. No. 19/2022 regarding walk-in-interview of retired railway employees for need based re-employment/Consultant in Civil department of DFCCIL/Ambala Unit
Application form
HR Circular No. 29/2019
Advertisement No. 16/2022 regarding walk-in-interview of retired DFO (IFS) for re-engagement in DFCCIL as Consultant/Civil
Application form
HR Circular No. 29/2019
Adv No. 17/2022
Adv No. 17/2002 regarding walk in interview of retired railway employees for need based reemployment/Consultant in various department of DFCCIL
Application form
HR policy Circular No. 29/2019
Corrigendum- re-scheduling of walk in interview of retired employees on 14.6.2022 (in place of 10.6.2022 at DFCCIL/CO
Advertisement No. 14/2021(R) for re-engagement of retired officers (HAG+) of Indian Railways in DFCCIL as Advisor
Application Format
HR Circular 29/2019
-Adv no. 15/2022 regarding walk in interview of SAP lead / SAP consultant on 18-05-2022 at DFCCIL/ CO.
Application format
HR circular No. 29/2019 dated 01/10/2019
Adv. No. 14/2022 regarding re-engagement of HAG+ officers as Advisor in DFCCIL
Application form
HR circular No. 29/2019 dt. 1.10.2019
Adv No. 13/2022
Adv No. 13/2022 regarding re-engagement of retired SAG(IRSE) as Consultant/Civil under CGM/Ambala unit
HR circular No.. 29/2019
Application form
Adv No. 11/2022
Advt No. 11/2022 regarding Walking in Interview of retire Employees at DDU location for re-employment in various departments of DFCCIL
Application form
HR Circular 29/2019
Corrigendum No-1 on Adv No. 11/2022
Adv No. 10/2022
Adv 10/2022 regarding Walk-in-Interview for re-engagement of Retired Officer (IFS) as Consultant/Civil/DFO in DFCCIL
Application Form for Consultant
HR Circular No. 29/2019 dt. 01.10.2019
Adv No. 09/2022
Adv No. 09/2022 regarding re-engagement of senior retired officers of Gov/CPSU/JVs to the post of Advisor/Renewable Energy
Application form for Advisor
HR circular No. 29/2019 dt. 01.10.2019
Adv No. 08/2022
Adv No. 08/2022 regarding re-engagement of retired Railway officers as Advisors in various departments of DFCCIL
Application formats for Advisors
HR circular No. 29/2019
Adv. No.07/2022
Adv. No. 07/2022 regarding walk in interview of retired Railway employees at Ajmer location for re-employment in OP&BD department in DFCCIUL
Applicaion form
HR circular No. 29/2019 dt. 1.10.2019
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 7/2022 regarding walk in interview of retired Railway employees(PA/PS)/Retired employees(PA/PS) of DFCCIL for reemployment in Secretarial cader along with OP&BD department on 15.3.2022.
Adv. No.06/2022
HR circular No. 29/2019 dated 1.102019
Application format for applying agaisnt Adv No. 06/2022
Adv. No 06/2022 dated 11.2.2022 regarding re-engagement of retired Railway officers for re-engagement as Advisors in Civil, Electrcal and S&T departments/DFCCIL
Adv. No.05/2022
Adv No 05/2022 seeking applications from retired Govt./CPSEs officers for reengagement as Advisor/Renewable Energy in DFCCIL.
Advt. No.04/2022
Advt. No. 04/2022 for walk in interview of Retired Rly/DFCCIL Employees for Re-employment in EDFC DFCCIL.
Application format for Advt. No.. 04/2022
HR Circular No. 29/2019 dated 01.10.2019
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 04/2022 for inclusion of Electrical department for holding walk in interview at PRYJ location on 25.02.2022.
Advt. No. 02/2022
Advt. No.02/2022 regarding Re-engagement of retired CPSE/State PSE employees as Consultant in Company Secretary Dept./DFCCIL on contractual basis
Adv. No.01/2022
Adv No. 01/2022 regarding walkin-interview of retired Railway/DFCCIL employee of Traffic/Operating Dept. for re-employment in OPBD/EDFC/DFCCIL at DDU location.
Corrigendum No. 1 of Adv. No.01/2022 regarding walkin-interview of retired Railway/DFCCIL employee of Traffic/Operating Dept. for re-employment in OPBD/RDFC/DFCCIL at DDU location.
Adv no. 19/2021
Adv no. 19/2021 regarding walk in interview of retired Railway/DFCCIL employees for re-employment/consultant in various department of DFCCIL to be held at Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayay(DDU) location.
Corrigendum to Advt No. 19/2021 regarding walk in interview of retired Railway/DFCCIL employees for re-employment /consultant.
Adv. No.18/2021
Adv no 18 of 2021-Walk in interviews of retired Railway employees/retired DFCCIL employees for re-employment/Consultant in various deptt. of DFCCIL scheduled to be held at seven different location of WDFC/EDFC.
Corrigendum on Advertisement No. 18/2021 regardig walk in interviews of retired Railway/DFCCIL employees at various location of WDFC/EDFC.
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 18/2021 regarding walk in interview of retired railway/DFCCIL employee at Ahmedabad Location for re-employment in DFCCIL.
Corrigendum on Advertisement No. 18/2021 regarding walk-in-interview of retired Railway/DFCCIL employees at Tundla and Kolkata locations for re-employment in DFCCIL.
Corrigendum on Adv No. 18/2021 regarding revised Elgibility of retired employees for re-employment in Mechanical deptt.
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 18/2021 regarding postponment of walk in interviews of retired employees at three locations viz. Ambala, Kolkata and Ahemedabad, due to present Covid situation prevailing in the country.
Corridengum on Adv. No. 18/2021 regarding recheduling/refixation of date of walk in interview of retired (Rly./DFCCIL) employees at three locations viz Ahmedabad, Ambala and Kolkata locations.
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 18/2021 regarding recheduling of date of walk in interview of retired railway/DFCCIL employee at Kolkata location
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 18/2021 regaerdubg rescheduling of date of walk in interview of retited railway/DFCCIL employee at Ahmedabad(ADI) location
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 18/2021 regarding inclusion of Finance and Electrical department retd. employees in the walk in interview scheduled to be conducted at Ambala location on 22.3.2022.
Adv. No.17/2021
Advertisement No. 17/2021 for re-engagement of retired Railway Officers as Advisors/Civil, Advisor/ S&T and Advisor/Electrial in DFCCIL
Adv. No.16/2021
Corrigendum on Adv. No. 16/2021 regarding eligibility criteria of retired railway employees of Mechanical Deptt. for re-employment in DFCCIL/Mech. department through walk in-interview scheduled to be held on 29.10.21 at EDFC's office at Noida
Adv. No.16/2021
Walk In interview of retired Railway Employees for need based re-engagement in various department of different field units of WDFC(on 21.10.2021 & 22.10.2021) and EDFC(on 28.10.2021 & 29.10.2021) on re-employment/Consultant basis.
Corrigendum on Advertisement No. 16/2021 regarding walk in interview of retired Railway employees for re-employment/Consultant in WDFC and EDFC on 21.10.2021-22.10.2021 and 28.10.2021-29.10.2021 respectively.
Policy Circular No. 29/2019 Dated - 01.10.2019 as reffered to in the Advt. No. 16/2019.
Advt. No. 15/2021
Advt. No. 15/2021 for Re-engagement of senior level Retired Govt. Employees as Advisor/Safety in DFCCIL
Advt. No. 14/2021
Advertisement for Walk-in Interview on 05.10.2021 at Corporate Office for Re-employment/Consultant (Rajbhasa).
Advt. No. 12/2021
Advt. No. 12/2021 for walk in interview of Retired Rly Employees of S&T deptt. at DDU on Date : 17.09.2021
Corrigrndum of Advt. No. 12/2021 on para no. 3.
Re-engangment for the post of Advisor/Electrical Dept. Date : 16.08.2021
Re-engangment of Retired Govt. Officer as Advisor/Electrical in DFCCIL-calling applications.
Advt. No. 06/2021
Advt. No. 06/2021 calling applications from retd. Govt/PSU employees for re-employment in OP&BD dept/CO
Advt. No. 03(R)/2021
Advt. No. 03(R)/2021 for the post of Executive/Jr. Executive in S&T, Electrical and Civil Deptt on re-employment basis in DFCCIL.
Advt. No. 05/2021
Advt. No. 05/2021 for the post of Executive/Jr. Executive in Electrical and S&T Deptt on re-employment basis in DFCCIL.
Advt. No. 03/2021
Advt. No. 03/2021 dt. 12.4.2021 seeking application from retd railway employees of S&T, Elect. and Civil deptt. for re-employment in DFCCIL.
Advt. No. 02/2021
Advt. No. 02/2021 for Walk in interview of Re-employment/DFCCIL/OPBD at AII, ADI and DDU location.
Corrigendum regarding Advt. No. 02/2021 for Walk in interview of Re-employment/DFCCIL/OPBD at AII, ADI and DDU location.
Advt. No. 08/2019
Advt. No. 08/2019 Inviting application from Retired Employee of Indian Railways of Traffic & Operating department on Re-employment basis for the post of Chief Controller, Section Controller & SM/ASM in DFCCIL.